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Not all young stars start off with MomManagers, but boy when they do - it's Magic.

Thanks Tip!

Kaira has fantastically showcased her ukulele skills at several popular venues in Key West.

Blessed and grateful our local talent are filling the Keys music scene.

Thank you Kaira for sending us your live music schedule!

When artists/bands send us their music schedule:

  • monthly (or in advance)
  • directly to our inbox: and
  • with a photo

it makes uploading and sharing gigs easier.


On a beautiful July afternoon, the Hemingway Days Festival was in full swing.

We stopped by the Hemingway Pilar Rum Social Club and Rolando Rojas was playing.

Thank you Rolando for sending us your live music schedule!

When artists/bands send us their music schedule:

  • monthly (or in advance)
  • directly to our inbox: and
  • with a photo

it makes uploading and sharing gigs easier.

Thank you Lindsay for spreading the word and sharing your Live Music Calendar schedule with us.  You Rock!

Lindsay plays with the Fender Benders and Full Moon gig once a month!


Thank you Lindsay Busks and The Fender Benders!

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Key West Portal is Key West Florida's Social Calendar for Events

What To Do In Key West, Key West Social Calendar, Florida Keys Social Calendar, Key West Events, Florida Keys Events
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